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No Suds Revolution

For More Information:


Lester Lin

International Expansion








No More Bleach

















Pure Joy

Pure Savings

Pure Convenience

Pure Environment

Pure Fragrance

Pure Laundry

Pure Genius


=Pure Revolution!




Detergent Laden Water


For More Information:


Lester Lin

International Expansion






The Biggest Positive Environmental Impact

of the 21st Century!  

Find Out How with LaundryPure , We are Going to Make the Biggest Environmental Impact of the 21st Century, by fixing the World's Oldest  Pollution Problem! 


It's called The NoSuds Revolution

Come Listen to a Speech By Lester Lin Outlining the Benefits to the Customer, and the Environmental Impact of the NoSuds Revolution made possible by the leading technology of the LaundryPureClick to Listen

Laundry Detergent and our Environment: 

The Laundry Detergent business has grown into a  6 BILLION DOLLAR A YEAR INDUSTRY in the UNITED STATES ALONE!!!.

$6 Billion Dollars!  Do you have any idea of how much Laundry Detergent that is??  TO HELP GIVE YOU A VISUAL PICTURE…..

You can buy A JUMBO ECONOMY SIZED BOX OF TIDE LAUNDRY DETERGENT on the Internet for  $43.  I took 6 BILLION DOLLARS, and divided the cost of THAT big box of TIDE.  THAT TRANSLATES INTO OVER 140 MILLION BOXES OF TIDE!!!  

THEN...If we take an 18 wheeler semi, hauling a 40ft. container, and filled each CONTAINER 20 tons of Laundry Detergent, WE COULD FILL ~126,000 TRUCKS, and park them BUMPER  TO BUMPER FROM  VANCOUVER TO   Los Angeles on the Interstate. 


THAT, dear friends, is an illustration to give you a rough picture of what 6 BILLION DOLLARS  worth of  LAUNDRY DETERGENT represents! *  (Rough Estimates for illustration purposes only)

All this Laundry Detergent is added into water in washing machines across America to do the wash, using an average of 25-30 Gallons of water per load. That results in over 333 BILLION GALLONS of Dirty, Polluted, Chemically laden water coming out of OUR WASHING MACHINES.  This chemical waste taxes the water treatment plants, wreaks havoc with septic systems.  Many of these chemicals get into our rivers… our streams… the ocean… our groundwater..   There are some chemicals in detergent that will take up to 10 years to breakdown in the environment.

We haven't even started to consider the energy used TO MANUFACTURE the product. The pollution generated making the detergent.   THE FUEL to DELIVER THE PRODUCT, The EXHAUST EMISSIONS generated delivering the product…. The waste PACKAGING left after using all this detergent,

Until now, there was not too much we could do about this problem.  We wear our clothes everyday.  Sleep on bed sheets, use our towels….  and all this Laundry has to be washed with Soap and Water.  But NOW THERE IS AN ALTERNATIVE. 


You are now going to hear about an appliance called the Laundry Pure that will start what I call the NoSuds Revolution!

Environmental Benefits:

Huge positive environmental impact

With Laundry Pure, we will be able to TOTALLY ELIMINATE the need for Laundry Detergent, Bleach and Fabric Softeners!!  That in turn eliminates the chemically laden waste water we dump down our drains EVERY TIME we wash our clothes. That technology is here NOW.  YOU can stop your portion of pollution coming out of YOUR washing machine NOW!! 

The NoSuds Revolution, outlines goals to totally eliminate this pollution from Laundry Detergent across every home in America.  We endeavor to make this available to every home in America, and make it possible for every family that wants to use this amazing technology to have it.

Saves Energy!

LaundryPure totally Eliminates the need for Laundry Detergent and Hot Water!  Reverse that daily flow of cash going down the drain, and put it back into your pocket!  Feel good because you no longer pay for heating water to do your wash!

You'll be cutting down on CO2 emissions from fuels burned to heat your water. 

This WIN -WIN situation is good for the environment, and good for your bank account!

Water Conservation:

If you live in a geographical region where clean water is not so abundant, or during times of drought, this becomes a very important issue.  In the past, when using Laundry Detergent, the waste water is full of chemicals, and has very limited usage.  However, with Laundry Pure, since we are no longer adding chemicals to the wash water, the water coming out of the washing machine is free from detergent related chemicals.  Many users in areas where water conservation is crucial due to a shortage of water, Re-Cycle the water coming out of their washing machine to water plants, wash cars, and various other usages.  No worry of detergent chemicals seeping into the ground water, or building up in your soil, or hurting the vegetation.

Here is a comment from the Dockery family:

"Clean water is coming out of the machine...
We're using it to keep our drought stricken trees strong by safely bypassing our septic tank with the unpolluted washer water! "  Mary and Ken Dockery

No More Empty Jugs and Boxes from Laundry Detergent and Fabric Softener!

After you have Laundry Pure, you'll no longer have a continual flow of empty plastic bottles and boxes from Laundry Detergent and Fabric Softener.  As more and more people join the NoSuds Revolution, and kick the detergent habit, imagine the impact that we will have by eliminating these mountains of waste packaging!!

Clothes, towels, and sheets last longer

When clothes, towels, and sheets last longer, that translates into less waste.  Less waste equals less energy burned, which equals less emissions going into our air.  Less trash to dispose of.

No Detergent Residues left in Clothes, Towels and Bedding!

Good News for People with sensitive skin.  With Laundry Pure, you will NOT have any detergent residue building up in your clothes.  

The general public is often not aware that not all detergent is totally rinsed out of your clothes each time you do your wash.  Oftentimes, these residues build up over time, each time you do your wash.  Some people are allergic to these residues.  Look what WebMD has to say about this:

Quoted from WebMD.com  Contact dermatitis:  A common cause of a rash is contact with a substance that causes irritation or an allergic reaction (contact dermatitis). Soaps, detergents, shampoos, perfumes, or lotions can cause contact dermatitis. Often the rash from contact dermatitis is very itchy, but it is rarely serious. Changing your soap or detergent may be all you need to do to prevent this type of rash. 

Instead of changing soap or detergent, how about getting rid of it altogether?  Good News for those that have sensitive skin and suffers from symptoms described above.  With Laundry pure, NO MORE RESIDUES left in the fabric.  Pre-existing detergent residue gets rinsed out over time with Laundry Pure.  That means you will have No Detergent residual CHEMICALS close to your skin.  An additional benefit when using Laundry Pure results in clothing, towels and bedding feeling softer and measurably fluffier. Colors regain their original brightness when old residual detergent is washed out over time with Laundry Pure!  

When residual detergents are eliminated from clothes by Laundry Pure, you can see the visible difference here!  (see below)  It is like cleaning the grime off a dirty mirror!!

Read Craig Stevens' experience regarding his rash from residual detergent.  

"I have had a rash on my back, stomach and arms for twenty years—since I stopped doing competitive swimming. When we first got the Laundry Pure I washed my clothes three times to get out all the residual detergent. My rash immediately started clearing up."

Craig Stevens, Costa Mesa CA (moving to VA)


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  For More Information, Call 1-888-777-8864 

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